Events in Dresden

Conferences / Meetings / Workshops


10.–11.09.2024 / Dresden
Organizer: Fraunhofer IWS

Dry Coating Forum

Shaping the Future of Dry Battery Electrode Processing

The Dry Coating Forum is a forum for material suppliers, equipment manufacturers, cell makers and end users to exchange information about current trends, developments and challenges in the field of dry coating technologies.


15.–21.09.2024 / Berlin, Dresden, Jena, Braunschweig
Organizer: Fraunhofer Group Light & Surfaces

Summer School “Fraunhofer Photonica“

Get to Know Leading Photonics Research Institutes across Germany

20 young scientists have the opportunity to discover photonics research at leading photonics research institutes. Even before graduating their master’s studies, students can broaden their knowledge on photonics research and applications.


28.10.2024 / Online Workshop
Organizer: Fraunhofer IWS

Advanced Adsorption Techniques and Applications

The online workshop brings together experts from the adsorption and materials science community to exchange on innovative methods and devices for adsorber materials in areas such as CO2 capture, water harvesting, toxic gas abatement and personal protection.


11.–12.11.2024 / Dresden
Organizer: Fraunhofer IWS

11th Workshop “Lithium-Sulfur Batteries“

Lithium-sulfur batteries are envisaged to enable energy storage devices with high specific energy at low material cost. The recent research provides significant progress in terms of materials for active and passive cell components as well as on understanding of mechanisms finally leading to improved Li-S cell performance.


26.–27.11.2024 / Online
Organizer: Fraunhofer IWS

LAwave User Meeting

Fast and Non-destructive Testing with Laser Acoustics 

The LAwave User Meeting is a virtual event that for the first time will bring together experts from the coating and material science community that are already benefitting from the LAwave technology and those who are interested in it.